March is Women’s History Month. Joyce Hickson, Connie Ussery and Pat Hart will talk about barriers great women have overcome.
Their talk will be based on Time Magazine’s September 2017 project titled “Firsts: Women Who are Changing the World.” The project focused on outstanding women in male-dominated professions and on the attributes those those women believe led them to excel.
Connie is retired from careers as a librarian and a teacher of English and humanities in Columbus schools. She also sings with several groups (including the UU Singers). Joyce, who is also retired, holds a doctorate in counseling and has taught counseling at Mississippi State University, in South Africa, and at Columbus State University. Pat Hart is a retired professor of finance and international consultant who also is a longtime member of our Fellowship.
Sunday services typically include music, meditation, affirmations of our Seven Principles and opportunities to share throughs and ask questions. We do not assert a traditional creed. Rather, Unitarian Universalists (“UUs” for short), support each other in our own unique searches for truth and meaning. We’re a progressive religion with a unique path to finding meaning in life.
Here’s a rundown of this Sunday’s activities.
- 9:30 a.m. until noon. Free child care is always available on Sunday morning.
- 9:15 a.m. Adult Religious Education. This week: “The Myth of Closure, Part 2.” (Maureen Humphries.)
- 10:00 a.m. UU Singers practice. All voices are welcome. (We also practice Wednesdays at 6 p.m.)
- 10:15 a.m. Coffee and conversation before the service.
- 10:45 a.m. The Sunday service, this week with Rick Spradlin.
- 10:55 a.m. Children’s Religious Education. Kids join us for the first few minutes of each Sunday service, which includes a children’s story, then that adjourn to a classroom for their own activities.