Rick Spradlin: “Intro to Universalist Christianity”

We call ourselves Unitarian Universalists because in the 1960s the Unitarian and Universalist churches merged. Our Fellowship mostly focuses on the Unitarian story, but Universalists also have a rich history. On Sunday, March 28, Lay Leader Rick Spradlin will explore the rest of the story. Guests welcome!

We’re not meeting in person yet, but please join us on Zoom. We’re a group of people of diverse beliefs who focusing on “deeds, not creeds.” Sunday services start at 11 a.m., but we’ll open up the Zoom videoconference* about 10:30 a.m. Please join us early for conversation.

Rick Spradlin

We will return to in-person services on our Heiferhorn Way campus when the risk is acceptably low. That time could be soon, probably with a hybrid outdoor/Zoom service. Meanwhile, we also post recorded Zoom services on our YouTube channel.

*Members and friends will receive this Zoom link every week in an email from Office Administrator Brenda Stevens. Brenda also includes the Meeting ID and Passcode, but if you use the link you shouldn’t need them. That being said, it IS the Internet, so…

Problems or questions? Email us at [email protected] and put “Zoom question” in the subject line.

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