Joanie Andras is a Buddhist nun, a certified teacher of mindfulness and a member of our Fellowship. She’ll offer readings and commentary from “The Book of Joy,” which is Douglas Abrams’ compilation of conversations between Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Llama.
“I think this well be fun and reflective for all of us,” Joanie says.
We meet Sundays at 11:00 a.m. at Grace Fellowship Hall, with safety measures in place. (See below.) Our services are centered on a talk—sometimes by a member of the Fellowship, like Joanie, or by a member of the greater community. Services also include music, readings, meditation and opportunities (always optional) to talk about your own ideas or about what’s going on in your life.
Our members have backgrounds in many faiths and many ethical traditions. We don’t tell people what to believe. Rather, we focus on how we treat each other and the planet on which we all live. Our watchwords: reason, tolerance and freedom and respect, compassion and love. Our motto: deeds before creeds.
We welcome visitors. If this sounds like a Fellowship for you, stop by and check us out.
COVID-19 precautions
- Masks are required for all our indoor events.
- All our members and friends have been vaccinated for COVID-19. We urge visitors to get vaccinated.
- Seating has been arranged to make social distancing easier.
- We do have music, but we don’t sing together.
- If you’ve had symptoms of a cold, the flu or COVID, stay home and take care of yourself.
- Guests are welcome, but please do follow alls our pandemic guidelines.
Topics: Buddhism, gratitude, happiness, joy, Joy and passion, kindness, Mindfulness