SPECIAL 128.2 SEL | Sells | Parenting Your Out-of-Control Teenager | Parenting | Teenagers | |
SPECIAL 133 GRE | Greene | Mythic Astrology | Astrology | Mythology | |
SPECIAL 133.9 NEW | Newton | Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives | Reincarnation | Personal Narratives | |
SPECIAL 150 FRA | Frankl | Man's Search for Meaning | Philosophy | Happiness | |
SPECIAL 152 WAT | Watts | The Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety | Psychology | Happiness | |
SPECIAL 155 BEA | Beattie | Codependent No More | Psychology | Addiction | Families |
SPECIAL 155 BEA | Beattie | Codependents' Guide to the Twelve Steps | Psychology | Addiction | Families |
SPECIAL 155.6 PAR | Parker | On the Brink of Everything: Grace, Gravity and Getting Old | Aging | | |
SPECIAL 155 REC | Anonymous | Recovery Dharma: How to Use Buddhist Practices and Principles to Heal the Suffering of Addiction | Psychology | Addiction | Buddhism |
SPECIAL 155 JAM | James | The Grief Recovery Handbook: The Action Program from Moving Beyond Death, Divorce and Other Losses | Psychology | Intervention | Grief |
SPECIAL 155 CAL | Callanan | Final Gifts: Understanding the Special Awareness, Needs, and Communications of the Dying | Psychology | Death and Dying | |
SOECUAK 155 CHU | Church | Love and Death: My Journey Through the Valley of the Shadow | Psychology | Death and Dying | Personal Narratives |
SPECIAL 155 WEN | Wendler | Wise Words: Inspirational Thoughts For: Those Diagnosed with Cancer | Psychology | Cancer | Happiness |
SPECIAL 155 MUN | Munn | Staying Sober Without God | Psychology | Addiction | 12 Step Programs |
SPECIAL 156 BUR | Burns | Ten Days to Self-Esteem | Psychology | | |
SPECIAL 158.1 HAW | Hawthorne | A Second Chicken Soup For the Woman's Soul | Philosophy | Psychology | Personal Narratives |
SPECIAL 158.1 PEC | Peck | The Road Less Traveled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth | Philosophy | Happiness | Personal Narratives |
SPECIAL 158.1 HEN | Henry | The Emotionally Unavialable Man: fOR MEN/ FOR WOMEN | Psychology | Relationships | Families |
SPECIAL 158.1 COV | Covey | Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change | Psychology | Leadership | Motivation |
SPECIAL 174 COV | Covey | Smart Trust:: Creating Prosperity, Energy and Joy in a Low-Trust World | Psychology | Leadership | Motivation |
SPECIAL 196 NAD | Nadler | When Bad Things Happen to Good People | Philosophy | Religion | Happiness |
SPECIAL 196 BUR | Burnett | A Light in the Dark: Peeling Back Perception to Uncover the Truth (on Suffering and Loss) | Philosophy | Psychology | Grief |
SPECIAL 200 CHI | Chittister | The Gift of Years: Growing Older Gracefully | Philosophy | Aging | Happiness |
SPECIAL 200 WEI | Weil | Healthy Aging: A Lifelong Guide to Your Physical and Spiritual Well-Being | Philosophy | Aging | Happiness |
| Some | The Spirit of Intimacy: Ancient Afrian Teachings in the Ways of Relationships | Psychology | Relationships | Happiness |
SPECIAL 215.3 LIP | Lipton | The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles (Parenting) | Parenting | Religion | |
SPECIAL 242 CHU | Church | Love and Death | Psychology | Relationships | Grief |
SPECIAL 248.4 CRA | Crabb | Moving Through Your Problems Toward Finding God | Psychology | Religion | |
SPECIAL 248.4 SWI | Swindoll | Maybe it's Time to Laugh Again: Experience Outrageous Joy | Psychology | Relationships | Happiness |
SPECIAL 291.4 KUR | Kurtz and Ketcham | Spirituality of Imperfection: Storytelling and the Search for Meaning | Psychology | Addiction | Hapiness |
SPECIAL 294 LAM | Lambert | Aging with Care: Your Guide to Hiring and Managing Caregivers at Home | Aging | Caregivers | |
SPECIAL 299.WOL | Wolf and Cariad Barrett | Sacred Medicine of Bee, Butterfly, Earthworm, and Spider | Alternative Medicines | Health | |
SPECIAL 302 LAW | Lawrence | The Budget Kit: The Common Cents Money Management Workbook | Personal Finance | | |
SPECIAL 302 MAS | Mason and Kreger | Stop Walking on Eggshells: When Someone You Love has Borderline Personality Disorder | Psychology | Relationships | Psychoses |
SPECIAL 303 AXE | Axelrod | Gandhi CEO: 14 Principles to Guide & Inspire Modern Leaders | Leadership | Motivation | |
SPECIAL 306 NEU | Neuman | Helping Kids Cope with Divorce the Sandcastles Way | Parenting | Relationships | Divorce |
SPECIAL 332 WIN | Weinstein | The Lifetime Book of Money Management | Personal Finance | | |
SPECIAL 362 GAW | Gawande | Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End | Healthcare | Death and Dying | |
SPECIAL 362 SHE | Sheff | Beautiful Boy: A Father's Journey Through His Son's Addiction | Addiction | Personal Narratives | |
SPECIAL 371 BEN | Bennett | The Educated Child: A Parent's Guide From Preschool Through Eighth Grade | Parenting | Young Children | |
SPECIAL 371 CLI | Cline and Fay | Parenting Teens with Love and Logic: Preparing Adolescents for Responsible Adulthood | Parenting | Teenagers | |
SPECIAL 371 HOL | Holt | How Children Learn (50th Anniversary Edition) | Parenting | Young Children | |
SPECIAL 371 REI | Reichlin | The Pocket PareWhat to do when your 2- to 5- year old has tantrums, bites.... | Parenting | Young Children | |
SPECIAL 371 SEL | Sells | Parenting Your Out-of-Control Teenager: 7 Steps to Reestablish Authority and Reclaim Love | Parenting | Teenagers | |
SPECIAL 371 SIE | Siegel and Hartzell | Parenting from the Inside Out: How a Deeper Understanding Can Help you Raise Children Who Thrive | Parenting | Psychology | |
SPECIAL 372 FOR | Forward | Toxic Parents: OverComing Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming Your Life | Psychology | | |
SPECIAL 569 BEA | Besttie | Beyond Codependency and Getting Better All the Time | Addiction | Families | Psychology |
SPECIAL 616 AME | American Cancer Society | Cancer Caregiving A to Z | Healthcare | Cancer | |
SPECIAL 616 WOL | Wolfelt and Duvall | Healing Your Grieving Heart When Someone You Care About Has Alzheimer's | Healthcare | Alzheimer's | |
| Grandin | Thinking in Pictures and other Reports from my Life with Autism | Healthcare | Autism | |
SPECIAL 645 EDW | Edwards | Toolkit for Caregivers: Tips, Skills, and Wisdom to Maximize Your Time Together | Caregivers | Death and Dying | Relationships |
SPECIAL 645 CAR | | Caregiving: Area Agency on Aging, Gateway to Comunity Resources | Caregivers | Death and Dying | Relationships |
SPECIAL MED MCK | McKee | To Meet the Asking Years: A Meditation Manual for 1984 | Meditation | | |
SPECIAL 646 KIR | Kirshenbaum | Too Good to Leave/ Too Bad to Stay: A Step-by-Step Guide to Help You Decide Whether to Stay in or Get Out of Your Relationship | Psychology | Relationships | Divorce |
SPECIAL 646 MCK | McKay, Fanning, Paleg | Couple Skills: Making Your Relationship Work | Psychology | Relationships | |
SPECIAL 649 CAR | Carter | Helping Yourself Help Others | Psychology | | |
SPECIAL MED BER | Bernard | Singing in the Night: Collected Meditations | Meditation | | |
SPECIAL MED BLA | Blanchard | A Temporary State of Grace | Christianity | | |
SPECIAL MED FRE | Frevert | What We Share | Leadership | Motivation | |
SPECIAL MED KRI | Kring | Across the Abyss to God;: A Book of Personal Affirmation | UUA | Personal Narratives | |
SPECIAL MED TAR | Tarbox | Evening Tide | Meditation | | |
SPECIAL MED WON | Wong | Quotations from the Wayside | Meditation | | |
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SPECIAL CD/KIT SPO | Andrew Weil, MD | Spontaneous Happiness Toll Kit: Guided Practices for Peak Emotional Wellness | Psychology | Happiness | CD Kit |
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POETRY HAR | Harjo | How We Became Human: the Poet Laureate of the United States | | | |
POETRY LEE | Lee | Mitochondrial Night | | | |
POETRY NER | Neruda | The Poetry of Pablo Neruda | | | |
POETRY ODO | O'Donohue | To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings | | | |
POETRY RUM | Rumi | Poetry: The Essential Rumi | | | |
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CHILDREN ASH | Asch | Water | | | |
CHILDREN AVN | Avnur | The Monk and the Yak | | | |
CHILDREN CAI | Cain | The Way I Feel | | | |
CHILDREN CUR | Curtis | Today I Feel Silly and Other Moods That Make My Day | | | |
CHILDREN EAS | Eastman | Are You My Mother? | | | |
CHILDREN HAM | HAMMER | Everyone a Butterfly: 40 Sermons for Children | | | |
CHILDREN MAY | Mayer | Just a Bad Day | | | |
CHILDREN MOS | Moser and Melton | Don't Feed the Monster on Tuesdays | | | |
CHILDREN SEA | Searle-White | Magic Wanda's Travel Emporium:Tales of Love, Hate and Things in Between | | | |
CHILDREN SHO | Shoshan | If Big can..I Can! | | | |
CHILDREN SUM | Sumangalo | Buddhist Sunday School Lessons | | | |
CHILDREN VER | Vere | Max the Brave | | | |
CHILDREN WIL | wilson | Bear Stays Up for Christmas | | | |
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