Connie Ussery: “Embracing the moment can free us from fear.”

What times we live in. Long-time Fellowship member Connie Ussery will talk about the only time and the only place in which we can actually live—the present.

Sunday services begin at 11 a.m., but join us early for coffee and conversation. Visitors and guests are always welcome at our progressive Fellowship. Services include a talk, some music, a little meditation and optional opportunities to share your thoughts. And we’re done by noon.

Connie Ussery is a retired teacher and librarian, and she just finished a term as our president. She’s also a jazz singer, a writer, a world traveler, a member of the Columbus Academy of Lifelong Learning, and a member of our UU No Wrong Turns Bicycle Club. Her talk will be uniquely suited to the times in which we live.

Connie Ussery

If you come Sunday, be prepared for something different. Unitarian Universalism is an unusual religion. For example, we don’t share a creed. Our members are Christians, Jews, Buddhists and subscribers to earth-centered traditions. Members also include humanists, agnostics, atheists and people who resist labels.

What we do share are commitments to respect the worth and dignity of all people, to care for the planet we share, and to support each other in our own free and responsible searches for truth and meaning.

There’s more, of course. See us Sunday for details. If you’ve been unsatisfied with other organized religions, you might find a home here. (Full disclosure, we’re not that organized.)
