Wednesday, March 15
6 p.m. UU Singers practice. All voices welcome.
7 p.m. A special edition of our Wednesday Night Discussion Group will feature Dr. Zdeslav Hrepic, a physics professor at Columbus State University, talking about “Nature My Teacher: Physics, Life Success Principles and Spirituality.” Dr. Hrepic (“Dr. Z” to his non-Croatian speaking friends) will continue the talk he started last month, then we’ll engage in a lively conversation. This week’s discussion will be in Grace Fellowship Hall.
Thursday, March 17
1:30 p.m. Yoga. (Classes are $5 per sesssion. All levels welcome. Do bring a mat.)
Friday, March 18
12:30 p.m. UU Media lunch. (For location, contact Bill Harlan at 605.390.0590.)
Sunday, March 20
This is the third Sunday of the month, so, as usual, we’ll “Give Away the Plate.” The recipient this month is The Chattahoochee Valley Jail Ministry. We are also contributing casseroles to the Ronald McDonald House this month. If you bring a casserole (in a 9×13 disposable container) please include the name of the dish, instructions for heating or cooking and the date.
9:30 a.m. Adult Religious Education. This week’s topic is Zoroastrianism.
10:40 a.m. Sunday service. This week, our own Reverend Ed Wilson will present “Eden and Other Gardens.”.
10:40 Children’s Religious Education, “Symbols of Faith.”