UUFC History: 2015-2023
Summary provided by Joyce Hickson and Brenda Stevens.
The complete, detailed history of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Columbus can be found in the library at Grace Fellowship Hall and in the Administrator’s Office. John Nix wrote the history spanning 1974 to 2014 (Volume I). Joyce Hickson and Brenda Stevens wrote the UUFC History Volume II, 2015 – 2023.
The 2015 – 2023 History includes a narrative and these appendices:
- Appendix 1 “What Do Unitarians Believe?”
- Appendix 2 Board Members 2000-2023
- Appendix 3 Give Away the Plate Recipients 2010-2023
- Appendix 4 Service Titles & Speakers 9/12/2010- 12/31/2023
- Appendix 5 In Memoriam
- Appendix 6 Traditions
- Appendix 7 Notable Events
- Appendix 8 Special Projects (includes the 2015 renovation of our building)
- Appendix 9 Wednesday Discussion Group Topics
- Appendix 10 History of Heiferhorn Creek
- Appendix 11 The Policy and Procedure section of our
Handbook, UUFC Bylaws, Mission and Vision Statements
Our first service was held on Sunday, March 8, 2015, even though the renovation of our building was in full swing. The work was almost constant that year, from January until October when we had to rush to finish before the dedication ceremony. The Dedication Ceremony of Grace Fellowship Hall was held on October 18, 2015. After the ceremony, a plaque honoring Grace and George Jordan was installed in the foyer. The Jordan family, especially their son, Jerry Jordan, was instrumental in helping us acquire a new building. Their daughters, Meredith Braddy and Marjorie Spires, gifted us a grand piano at the Dedication.

Fraternal Order of Police Lodge as it was known before our purchase and renovation.
In 2015, we hosted the Detention Watch Networks SE Regional Member Meeting with Anton Flores.
In 2016, we held our first annual Picnic in the Pavilion and began holding Earth Centered events in our new Meditation Garden. We’ve kept many of our traditions and new ones have been added over the years. Give Away the Plate continues; on the third Sunday of every month, we donate part of our collection to a worthwhile charity selected by the Social Action Committee. The UU Women enjoy a social outing once a month. Wednesday Night Discussion Group and our First Sunday Potluck continue.
At a December 2016 Sunday service, an opinion survey about Sunday morning program quality was distributed by Joyce Hickson, chair of the Congregational Care Committee. Twenty-Five attendees responded and the results indicated positive attitudes toward the Fellowship. However, respondents noted a need for more spiritual programs, transportation to be provided for those in need, and a better audio system. We have since addressed and resolved all issues except transportation.
In 2017, the Congregational Care Committee started a Service Award program to acknowledge outstanding volunteer services to our fellowship.
Anonymous nominations for the award are accepted in September and the award is presented in October. The first recipient of the award was Hal Midgette. Subsequent awards have been presented to Ron Ussery, Bill Harlan, Ursula King, John Land, David Rush, Connie Ussery, Michelle Midgette, and Joanie Andras.
Also, that year, Joanie Andras started Meditation and Buddhist Studies on Saturday mornings, and Hal Midgette marked a walking trail through our woods, “Carolyn’s Path” honors Carolyn Searcy, a long-time member who died on August 23, 2015.
Our beloved Grace Jordan passed away on July 29, 2017, and Dr. Ben Pike, one of our founding members, died on January 14, 2020. We’ve lost many treasured members over the years. Their names are listed In Memoriam, Appendix 5.
On November 11, 2019, UUFC members attended Citizens Climate Lobby in Washington, DC.
Fund raising activities for 2017, 2018, and 2019 generated $15,091. We had several successful fundraisers, and together with large contributions from benefactors, we were able to pay off the mortgage on January 2, 2020.
On Sunday, March 15, 2020, we did not hold Sunday Service. The highly contagious Coronavirus, global pandemic, shut down the city. Our president, Hal Midgette and other leaders in the Fellowship took every precaution to keep us safe. For months, we followed CDC guidelines and tried to think of ways we could stay in touch and yet remain physically apart.
Bill Harlan, provided the technology to tape programs and distribute them on YouTube. We made use of Zoom, too. We had a few outdoor services as well. During these months of Sundays, we utilized our Meditation Garden and our Pavilion.
In 2021, Hal Midgette and Ron Ussery started the No Wrong Turns Bike Club. We improved the sound system in the Great Hall and installed security cameras outside.
On February 27, 2022, the congregation unveiled a new pulpit, designed by our Design Team and built by Amish Woodworking in Plymouth, Indiana. It was gifted to the fellowship by Ed and Sidney Wilson, two of our founding members.
John and Pat Hart were recognized on February 26, 2023, for their outstanding contributions to the fellowship over the years. A plaque, in their honor, is displayed in the Great Hall.
March 5, 2023 was a big day. We held our first, in-person Sunday Potluck, since Covid began.
Before the year was over, we improved the Pavilion, upgraded the Meeting House, and started a Bee & Butterfly Garden.