
Proposed “Shared Values” of UU

Unitarian Universalism, like most religions, is evolving. But UU also is different from many religions in its approach to change. We welcome it. We celebrate change and plan for it. That’s doesn’t mean change isn’t challenging for UU congregations and their members. Nor does it mean we don’t have lasting core values and commitments. And … Continue reading Proposed “Shared Values” of UU

Columbus Clean Energy Resolution

DRAFT RESOLUTION for a Columbus City Council vote on Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2023  A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADOPT A VISION AND TRANSITION PLAN OF 100% CLEAN AND RENEWABLE ENERGYPROGRAMS AND POLICIES BY 2035.  WHEREAS, there is a strong scientific consensus regarding the reality of climate change and the connection between anthropogenic factors … Continue reading Columbus Clean Energy Resolution