
What’s happening June 27-July 3

The big event this week will be our annual Fourth of July Picnic, which is Sunday, July 3, about noon—right after the Sunday service. Visitors are always welcome. Come see us at our new campus at the end of Heiferhorn Way.

Steve Ellis memorial service set for Saturday, May 28

We lost a good friend this week, with the passing of Steve Ellis. His memorial service will be Saturday, May 28, at 2 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at 8827 Heiferhorn Way in Columbus. Select “Read More” for more information and his obituary.

What’s happening the week of May 23-29

Visitors are always welcome at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, the home of progressive, liberal religion in Columbus, Ga. Come see us Sunday, or join us at one of our discussion groups. Click “read more” for details.