
UUFC President’s Letter August 22, 2020

                                                                              Greetings fellow UUs,I hope this letter finds you well, and perhaps even thriving during these challenging times. The UUFC Board met Wednesday, August 19 and unanimously decided not to open in September. After analyzing the Covid status report in our area, we decided reopening for in-person Service was not safe for our congregation in … Continue reading UUFC President’s Letter August 22, 2020

Pavilion open for small groups

Lisa Pyburn, at no small expenditure of her energy and resources, has been rehabbing the Pavilion and the banks of the Heiferhorn creek. It’s a beautiful space, and we’re already using it. The UU Women’s Book Club has met here, masked up and socially distant. Several other small groups have met for lunch or morning … Continue reading Pavilion open for small groups

The UUFC Novel Writers

The new UUFC Novel Writing Group will gather via Zoom videoconference for an organizational meeting Tuesday, Aug. 11, at 5 pm.  The group leader is Fellowship friend Justin DiFeliciantonio. His deputy is Fellowship member Bill Harlan. We’re open to everyone, and non-UUs are welcome. That said, this is not free-ranging discussion a group. Our approach … Continue reading The UUFC Novel Writers

Two UUFC pandemic stories

Got pandemic problems. Please do reach out to your UUFC family if you need help. In fact, that’s already happening. Here are a couple of stories. Elise Leonard had been without air conditioning for most of the summer, and when the 95-degree heat arrived the effect on her was dramatic. Unfortunately, she didn’t notice how … Continue reading Two UUFC pandemic stories

Creek and Pavilion improvements

UUFC member Lisa Pyburn, who is no stranger to construction and restoration, has taken it upon herself to do a major rehab of our property along Heiferhorn Creek and around the Pavilion. That included hiring a crew to help her clear brush and debris. The city already has hauled away the giant pile of brush … Continue reading Creek and Pavilion improvements

Fast Internet reaches UUFC!

At long last, a robust connection to the Fellowship. To make it happen, the Mediacom crew had to use a remote controlled tunneling device to run fiberoptic cable from Heiferhorn Way under our parking lot to Grace Fellowship Hall. That said, the real credit goes to Ron Ussery and Hal Midgette. They spent hours on … Continue reading Fast Internet reaches UUFC!

This week’s service on YouTube

This is the third Sunday in the month, the day we Give Away the Plate. G.A.T.P. recipient this month is the Equal Justice