
Weekly Announcements 02/02 – 02/08

Tues., 2/03, 7:00 pm, Special Board Meeting.
Wed., 2/04, 6:00 pm, Choir Practice.
2/04, 7:00 pm, Discussion Group, topic: “Cuba Libra?”
Thurs., 2/05, 7:00 pm, Mindfulness Meditation.
Sunday: FEBRUARY 08 – drawing for the 2000 S – Jaguar RAFFLE .
10:40 Program: John Land, “Winning the Human Race”.
9:30 Adult Religious Education: “Sacred Texts of the World, Christianity”.
9:30 Child. Religious Education: “Green Energy”.

Weekly Announcements: 1/26 – 02/01

TUESDAY, 1/27, 7:00 pm, Special Board Meeting.
WEDNESDAY, 1/28, 6:00 pm,Choir Practice.
WEDNESDAY, 1/28, 7:00 pm, Wednesday Night Discussion Group. Topic: “History of the World in 18 Minutes”.
THURSDAY, 1/29, 7:00 pm, Mindfulness Meditation.
FRIDAY, 1/30, 7:00 pm, Movie Night, “The Grand Budapest Hotel”.
SATURDAY, 1/31, 10:00 am, NewUU Work Party at 8827 Heiferhorn Way. (We need some strong men to move a few pieces of furniture downstairs).

SUNDAY, 2/01, FIRST SUNDAY. Pot-luck luncheon after the program. Reminder to also bring non-perishable food for the Food Bank.
10:40 Program: Rick Spradlin, “The Evolution of the Gods”.
9:30 Adult RE: “Sacred Tets of the World: Christianity”.
10:40 Children’s RE: “Beauty in Nature”.

Weekly Announcements 1/19 – 1/25

Tuesday 1/20, 7:00 PM, Board Meeting.

Wednesday 1/21, 7:00 PM, Wednesday Discussion Group. Topic: “What’s the Good News?”

Thursday, 1/22, 7:00 PM, Mindfulness Meditation.

Saturday, 1/24, 9:30 AM, Outdoor Work Party at our new location. No children, please, until outdoor hazards are minimized.

Friday, 1/30, 7:00 PM, MOVIE NIGHT, “The Great Budapest Hotel”.

Weekly Announcements: 1/12 – 1/18

Wednesday 14th, 7:00 pm, Wednesday Night Discussion Group. Topic: “The Intersection of Satire and Religion”.

Thursday 15th: No Meditation Group meeting tonight.

Sunday 18th:

General Meeting after the program. Voting on two items; Name of our new church building, and the nomination of Rick Spradlin for V.P. Adult Religious Education.

Give Away the Plate (on third Sundays). Recipient of 1/18 collection: First Foundation.

9:30 – Adult R.E.- “Sacred Texts of the World; Confucianism, Daoism and Shinto”.

10:40 Children’s Program: Art Project.

10:40 Program: Major Thomas Sturm, Iraq Veteran and Arabic Speaker, “Sharia Law and My Experience in Iraq and Saudi Arabia”.

Weekly Announcements 01/05 – 01/11

Tue. 1/06, 5:30: Women’s Book Club, and 7:00: Board Meeting.

Wed. 1/07, 7:00: Discussion Group. Topic: “Marketing/Ad Ideas”.

Thur. 1/08, 11:00 am: Women’s Group-Tour of Recycling Center at 7175 Sacerdote Lane, and at  7:00 pm: Mindfulness Meditation Group.

Sat. 1/10, 9:00 am: Big Work Day at 8827 Heiferhorn Way. New UU.

Sun. 1/11, 10:40 Program: Ken Sizemore, folk singer, “Songs of Hope for a Better World”.

10:40 Children’s RE: “Joy in Nature, Animal Play”.  9:30 Adult RE: “Long Strange Trip” part 6.

Weekly Announcements 12/29 – 01/04

Wednesday Night Discussion Group will not meet this week.
Thursday – Mindfulness Meditation Group will meet on New Years Day, 7:00 pm.
Sunday 01/04 is First Sunday. Pot Luck Luncheon will follow program.
9:30 Adult Religious Education- UU Basics: “Long Strange Trip” (part 6), history of Unitarian Universalism.
10:40 Children’s Religious Education- “Creativity in Nature”.
10:40 Sunday Program – A Panel Discussion: “The Long and Winding Way….History of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Columbus”.

Weekly Announcements 12/22 – 12/31

Wednesday Night Discussion Group will not meet again until 1/07/15.

Thursday Mindful/Meditation Group will not meet this week (12/25), but will meet at 7:00 pm on New Year’s Day.

Sunday, December 28th: 10:40 Program- Chaplain Thomas Dyer, CPT, U.S. Army, “Resiliency as a Way of Life”. Based on Karen Rievich’s book, “The Resiliency Factor”.

Adult R.E. 9:30: Confucianism, Daoism & Shinto.

Children’s RE not meeting on 12/28.

Weekly Announcements: December 15-21

Monday, 12/15, 7:00pm, Coffee House.

Tuesday, 12/16, 7:00pm, Board Meeting.

Wednesday, 12/17, 7:00pm, Discussion, topic: “Christmas for Non-Christians”.

Thursday, 12/18, 7:00pm, Mindfulness Meditation.

Sunday, 12/21, 10:40am, Program: Rev. Kimberly Miner, from High Street Church, Macon, “Turning, Turning…Pausing at Winter Solstice to Reflect on Deeper Meanings of the Holiday Season”.

3rd Sundays are “Give Away the Plate” Sundays. Today’s collection to be given to Anne Elizabeth Shepherd Home.

Sunday, 9:30am, Adult Religious Education: Sacred Texts of the World, “Confucianism, Daoism & Shinto”.

10:40am Children’s Art Project.

Weekly Announcements: 12-7 to Sun. 14th

Wednesday Night Discussion Group, 12/12, 7:00pm. “The Power of Perspective”.

Thursday, Mindfulness Meditation, 12/13, 7:00pm.

Sunday, 12/14. Election of 2015 Board.

9:30-Adult R.E. “Long Strange Trip”, Part 5.

10:40 Children’s R.E. -Session 6.

10:40 Singing the Christmas Tradition.

Weekly Announcements

Tuesday, 12/2, Book Club, 6:00pm. “Orange is the New Black”

Wednesday, 12/3, Discussion Group, 7:00pm. topic du jour

Thursday, 12/4, Mindfulness Meditation, CANCELLED DUE TO ILLNESS

Thursday, 12/4 Women’s Group meeting at Newland’s home, 7:00pm. Preparation for Christmas Party.

Saturday, 12/6, Christmas Party, 4:00-6:00, Newland’s house.

Sunday, 12/7. Vote on F.O.P. proposal. Luncheon cancelled.