
Weekly Announcements

The Members Voted to Accept the Proposal to Purchase the building on Heiferhorn Way.

Wednesday, 11/26, Wednesday Night Discussion Group will not meet.

Thursday, 11/27, HAPPY THANKSGIVING.

Sunday, 11/30, 9:30 Adult R.E. is “Long Strange Trip”, Part 5.

10:40 Children’s R.E. is “Balance in Our Ecosystem”.

10:40 Program: Reverend Doak Mansfield of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tampa, Florida will present “Unitarian Universalism: A Covenantal Faith”.

Weekly Announcements: 11/17 – 11/23

Mon.11/17, Coffee House, 7:00 pm.

Tue.11/18, Sleeping Mat Workshop, 1:30 pm. and at 7:00 pm the Board will meet.

Wed.11/19, Discussion Group meeting at F.O.P. 8827 Heiferhorn Way. 7:00 pm, Topic: Purchase Proposal.

Thurs.11/20, Mindful Meditation, 7:00 pm.

Sat.11/22, Tour interior F.O.P. 10:00 am.

Sunday 11/23, 9:30-Noon, Discussion of Purchase Proposal, followed by Voting of UU members. No child care, but Children’s R.E. will meet at 10:40.

Weekly Announcements: 11/10 – 11/16

11/12, 7:00 pm, Wednesday Discussion Group Topic: Does Genealogy Matter?

11/13, 1:00, Women’s Group, Thanksgiving Pot Luck.

11/13: Mindful Meditation cancelled.

Sunday, 10:40 Program: David Lewis, Muscogee County Schools.
 9:30 Adult R.E: Sacred Texts, Confucianism. 9:30 Children’s Art Project.

IMPORTANT DATES: 11/15, 10:00 am – Noon, Tour the F.O.P. building: 8827 Heiferhorn Way, 31904.

11/19, 7:00 pm, Wednesday Discussion Topic: F.O.P. Proposal.meeting at 8827 Heiferhorn Way, 31904

11/23, Discussion and Congregational Vote re: F.O.P. Purchase. No A.R.E, No Service.

Weekly Announcements 11/03 – 11/09

Tuesday (11-04) Women’s Book Club, 6:00 pm, “The Invisible Gorilla, How Our Intuitions Deceive Us”, by Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons.

Wednesday (11-05) Night Discussion Group, 7:00 pm, topic: “What Illusions Do We Live By?”

Thursday (11-06) Mindfulness Meditation , 7:00 pm.

Sunday (11-09) 10:40 Program: Chaplain Thomas Dyer, CPT, U.S. Army, “Army Values”.

9:30 Adult Religious Education: “What is Religion?”

10:40 Children’s R.E.: “Nature’s Partnerships”

The Mitten Tree

We can all “have a hand” in decorating the Mitten Tree. Bring mittens or gloves or scarves, for kids and/or adults, to clip to the tree to make it festive. The tree will be in place until we harvest the “decorations” in mid-December and donate them to the Homeless Resource Network for those in need. This is a fun, simple project that all the kids can get involved in as well. Let’s make a beautiful Mitten Tree.

Weekly Announcements 10/27 – 11/02

Wednesday-10/29, 7:00pm, Discussion Group topic: “Can You “Embrace” the Realities of Wabi-Sabi (nothing lasts, nothing is finished, nothing is perfect)?”
Thursday-10/30, 7:00pm, Mindfulness Meditation
Sunday- November 02. First Sunday’s Pot Luck Luncheon and Our Monthly Collection for Feed the Valley Food Bank.
10:40 Sunday Program: James Holzmeister, PhD. Columbus Technical College, presents “Liberation Theology and Religious Activism in Latin America”.
9:30 Adult RE: “UU Basics”.
10:40 Children’s RE: “The Web of Life”.

Weekly Announcements: 10/20-10/26

Monday, 10/20, 7:00 pm. Coffee House

Tuesday, 10/21, 7:00 pm. Board Meeting

Wednesday, 10/22, 7:00 pm. Wednesday Night Discussion Group (topic: “The Election in Georgia, What’s at Stake?”

Thursday, 10/23, 7:00 pm. Mindfulness Meditation Group

Sunday, 10/26, 10:40 am. Program- “UU Retreats, Far and Near”

10:40 Child R.E. – “Celebration of Spring”. 9:30 Adult R.E. – “UU Basics”

WEEKLY ANNOUNCEMENTS -10/13 through Sun. 10/19

Wednesday, October 15, 7:00: Wednesday Night Discussion. Topic: “The New School Board?”
Thursday, October 16, 7:00: Mindfulness Meditation Group.
Sunday, October 19: Third Sunday, “Give Away the Plate” recipient will be the Open Door Community House.
10:40 Program: Gini and Dan Davidson, “Our Musical Journey”.
10:40 Children’s RE: Art Project, led by Sidney Wilson and Paul Lee.
9:30 Adult RE: “Buddhism and Jain”.

Weekly Announcements – October 06 through Sunday 10/12

Monday, 10/06, 7:00 pm – Building Committee meeting, John & Pat Hart’s house.
Tuesday, 10/07, 6:00 pm – Women’s Book Club.
Wednesday 10/08 Night Discussion Group, 7:00 pm – “Are We or Are We Not UUs?”.
Thursday, 10/09, 6:00 pm – Women’s Group meeting at Brenda Stevens’ house.
Thursday, 10/09, 7:00 pm – Mindfulness Meditation Group.
Friday, 10/10, 7:00 pm -Movie Night, “Dinosaur 13”.
Sunday, 10/12, 10:40 Program: Rev. Doak Mansfield, “Jesus for Unitarian Universalists”, 10:40 Child Religious Education: “We Love Being UUs”, 9:30 Adult RE: “Buddhism & Jain”.

Weekly Announcements: Sept. 29 through Sun. 10/05

Wednesday Night Discussion, October 1, 7:00 pm: “Building Search Update”.

Thursday Mindfulness Meditation, October 2, 7:00 pm.

Sunday, October 5: First Sunday Covered Dish & Food Bank Collection. 10:40 Program: Jennifer Elmatti, “Visionary Shamanism”.