
Weekly Announcements: Sept. 22 through Sun. 28

Wednesday Night Discussion: “Making Columbus a Better Place to Live”, 7:00 pm.

Thursday- Mindfulness Meditation, 7:00 pm.

Sunday, September 28th:
10:40 program: “Best Available Version of the Truth” presented by Chuck Williams, senior reporter, Columbus Ledger-Enquirer.
10:40 Children’s program, “Animals Are Special”.
9:30 Adult Religious Education: UU Basics, “Long Strange Trip”, Part 2.

Weekly Announcements for September 15 – 21

First, a correction….the Coffee House meets tomorrow, on the 15th, not on the 22nd as previously announced.
Also, Monday night, an urgent meeting of the Building Committee will be held at the Hart’s house, 7:00 pm.
Wednesday Discussion Group at 7:00 pm will discuss “ISIS”.
Thursday at 7:00 pm, the Mindfulness Meditation Group will meet.
CHANGE IN PARKING ARRANGEMENTS: We’ve been asked to stop parking in the Lee’s Package store lot Monday – Saturday.
Sunday, 9/21/14, Pat Hart will present, “Unitarians in the Antebellum South”. In lieu of a children’s story, Pat plans to have the children sing “Jingle Bells”. The 3rd Sunday, “Give Away the Plate” recipient will be Muscogee County Autism Support Group.


Celebrate Nature and the Fall Equinox with an Educational Hiking Retreat for Seniors and accompanying adult family members along trails in the Highlands Cashiers Mountains. September 21-26, at The Mountain. (package prices include double occupancy, three meals a day, guided hikes, shuttles, educational programs, daily social hour, recreational activities. Five nights: $425, Three nights: $300.). … Continue reading SENIOR HIKING RETREAT

Weekly Announcements for 9/08 – 9/14

Monday, September 8, BUILDING COMMITTEE meeting, 7:00 pm, at the home of John and Pat Hart.
Wednesday, September 10, WEDNESDAY NIGHT DISCUSSION GROUP, 7:00 pm, Topic: “The Power of Music”.

Thursday, September 11, WOMEN’S NIGHT OUT, 6:00 pm, dinner at Your Pie pizza, 1019 Broadway, self-guided tour of sculptures along Broadway, after dinner.
Thursday, September 11, MINDFULNESS MEDITATION, 7:00 pm
Sunday, September 14, PROGRAM: “Five Smooth Stones of Religious Liberalism”, Earl Daniel, seminarian Candler School of Theology
ADULT RE: “Sacred Texts of the World”,
CHILDREN’S RE:Playing in Nature is Fun”.
SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE meeting after program.

Weekly Announcements for 9/1- 9/7

Tuesday-9/2- Women’s Book Club at 6:00 pm. Book: “Existence” by David Brin.


Wednesday- 9/3 – Wednesday Night Discussion Group at 7:00 pm. Topic: “How do I Make the World a Better Place?”


Thursday – 9/4 – Mindfulness Meditation Group at 7:00 pm.


Sunday – 9/7 – Program: Water Ceremony (annual UU tradition)

Adult RE:  9:30 am – “Long Strange Trip”, Part 2

Children’s RE 10:40 am – “Heroes Make Our World a Nicer Place”

Remember: FIRST SUNDAY……POT LUCK LUNCH and our monthly collection of non-perishable foods for the food bank.

Monthly Newsletter for July 2014

Welcome to this month’s announcements from Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Columbus. Here’s a rundown of events, programs and activities at UUFC this month. Click on “READ MORE” below to see the announcements:

UUFC Monthly Newsletter for June 2014

Welcome to this month’s announcements from Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Columbus. Here’s a rundown of events, programs and activities at UUFC this month. Click on “READ MORE” below to see the announcements:

Monthly Newsletter for May 2014

Welcome to this month’s announcements from Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Columbus. Here’s a rundown of events, programs and activities at UUFC this month. Click on “READ MORE” below to see the announcements: