What’s happening the week of Aug. 1-7
This Sunday (Aug. 7), Rick Spradlin, will talk about “The Challenge of Tolerance.” And the first Sunday of each month we also share a covered-dish lunch after the service. Visitors are always welcome.
This Sunday (Aug. 7), Rick Spradlin, will talk about “The Challenge of Tolerance.” And the first Sunday of each month we also share a covered-dish lunch after the service. Visitors are always welcome.
Our speaker on Sunday (July 31) will be the Rev. Ed Helton, who Join us for coffee and light refreshments before the service, whose topic is particularly relevant this year. His title: “Civil Discourse: Romans 2:1-11.” Click “read more” for details of other activities.
The speaker this Sunday (July 24) is retired Army Col. Robert B. Simpson, who will talk about “Three Lives Worth Living”—stories of forgiveness, transformation and redemption that emerged from the horror of World War II.
Wed.6/22, 7:00pm- Discussion Topic: “Ideas for Encouraging Inclusion and Tolerance in a Group or Congregation”.
Frid .6/24, 12:30pm- Media Lunch Group meets at Cafe Amici.
9:30am-Adult R.E., “Religious Toleration in Colonial America”.
10:30am-Children’s R.E., “Loyalty”.
10:40am-Sunday Program – Amanda Moore, from Koinonia Farm. Title: “Feeding the Hungry, Physically and Spiritually”.
Wed. 6/15, 7:00pm -Discussion Topic: “Should We Have Zoos?”
Thur. 6/16, 1:30pm -Yoga
Sunday, 6/19 is Third Sunday, Give Away the Plate Sunday.
9:30 Adult Religious Education-“Was the Civil War Really About Slavery?”
10:30 Children’s Religious Education-“Art Project”.
10:40 Sunday Program: “A Legacy of Meaning”, presented by Dave Hudson from UU Metro Atlanta North.
Wed. 6/8 – Discussion Group. 7:00 pm. Topic: “Is There a Secular Basis for Ethical Behavior?”
Thur. 6/9 – Yoga. 1:30 pm.
Thur. 6/9 – Women’s Night Out. 5:30 pm.
9:30 -Adult Religious Education: “The Second Great Awakening”.
10:30 -Children’s Religious Education: “Courage”.
10:40 – Sunday Program: Reverend Marti Keller. Title: “A Short History on Snarkers and Curmudgeons: the Rise of Rude, Crude, and Attitude (and Ways We Might Save Civility for a More Polite Planet)”.
Our program on Sunday, June 5, promises to be fascinating. Author and photographer Robert Arnett will talk about his book, “India Unveiled: Spirit, Tradition People.” As usual, visitors are welcome. Click “Read more” to (obviously) read more.
Sunday is May 1, and the first Sunday of each month is a great day to get to know the Unitarian Universalists in Columbus. It’s Bring a Friend Day, and If you are reading this, you qualify. Even better, we have a potluck lunch after the service, about noon. If you’re a visitor, just bring your appetite. We’ll have plenty.
We have activities almost every day of the week. Click “read more” for details. Our Sunday speaker will be cultural anthropologist John Studstill, who presentation is titled: “ISIS: Understanding the Inexplicable.”
Visitors are always welcome at any activities at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Columbus. This Sunday’s speaker, Berrien Zettler, will explore the question, “Is God Our Father?” As members of UU, we do not have an official creed. Rather, we support each other in our own individual searches for truth, meaning and spiritual growth. Click “Read More” to…obviously…read more about this week’s activities.