At long last, a robust connection to the Fellowship. To make it happen, the Mediacom crew had to use a remote controlled tunneling device to run fiberoptic cable from Heiferhorn Way under our parking lot to Grace Fellowship Hall.
That said, the real credit goes to Ron Ussery and Hal Midgette. They spent hours on the phone shopping deals, then hours on ladders running cables, then more time on the phone working to iron out wrinkles. Then more time on ladders.
The bottom line: faster service for less money.
This will be especially helpful during the coming months, pandemically speaking. We’ll be able to Zoom meetings from Grace Fellowship Hall and even do live services. (We’ll have to overcome a few more technical hurdles, but it’s possible.)
Already on the plus side, Bill Harlan and Rick Spradlin were able to join the July 1 Board of Trustees meeting via Zoom videoconference. Going forward, it will be possible for any member of the Fellowship to join remotely.