Joining the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Columbus (UUFC) is simple. We have no specific theology. There’s no dogmatic litmus test. However, in taking this step you are making a commitment to join your talents, resources and energy with ours in a spiritual quest that is practical, personal and social.

First Steps

When you visit our Sunday service, we encourage you to sign the guest book so we can send you materials by mail or email. (We won’t give others your address, ever.)

You can attend UUFC services or any other activity as a visitor as long as you want. You are always welcome. If you decide to join—and there ARE benefits—contact our office administrator. She can help you schedule a short meeting with our president or one of our board members for an opportunity to ask questions and learn more about what membership means. This meeting typically can be accomplished in 30 minutes or less. It often happens over coffee. (Prospective members usually meet with Amos Jones, president of the fellowship.)

Then we’ll schedule a Sunday service at which you’ll be formally welcomed.

Benefits of Membership

  • Membership voting rights.
  • The opportunity to serve as a member or officer of the UUFC Board of Directors.
  • Use of UUFC facilities for special ceremonies such as weddings, memorial services or child dedications. (There may be a small charge for some kinds of events.)
  • A free subscription to UU World magazine