What’s happening the week of Feb. 6-12
Our February program theme is “Celebrating the Arts.” Join us this Sunday (Feb. 12) for a program that explores “Literature as Inspiration.”
Our February program theme is “Celebrating the Arts.” Join us this Sunday (Feb. 12) for a program that explores “Literature as Inspiration.”
Join us this Sunday (Feb. 5) a special service with noted singer-songwriter Jim Scott, who will present “Gaia, Mother Earth and the Oneness of Everything.” (See below.) After the service, as we do every first Sunday of the month, we’ll have a potluck lunch. Guests need bring only their appetites. Also noin us at 10:30 … Continue reading What’s happening the week of Jan. 30-Feb. 5
This Sunday (Jan.29) Jim Humphries talks about “Native Americans: A Journey.”
This Sunday (Jan. 22) Dusty Nix, editorial page editor of the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer presents: “Fair” and “Balanced” Aren’t the Same Thing – on Fox or Anywhere”. Join us at 10:30 a.m. Visitors are always welcome.
No previous yoga training is needed for this gentle course, which emphasizes breathing, mindfulness and basic poses.
This Sunday (Jan. 15) Ken Sizemore, folk singer and guitarist from Panama City, Florida, presents: “The Soundtrack of the Civil Rights Movement”. Join us at 10:30 a.m. Visitors always welcome.
This Sunday (Jan. 8) Reverend Marti Keller, affiliated minister with UU Women’s Federation, will present: “Comfort and Courage.” Join us at 10:30 a.m. for coffee before the service. Visitors are always welcome.
Wednesday, Dec. 28 6 p.m. UU Singers practice 7 p.m. Discussion group. Thursday, Dec. 29 7 p.m. Spirituality group. Sunday, Jan. 1 Childcare is available from 9:30 a.m. until noon. 9:30 a.m. Adult Religious Education. This week “Koranic World View” led by Rick Spradlin. 9:30 a.m. UU Singers practice 10:30 a.m. Coffee and conversation … Continue reading What’s happening the week of Dec. 26-Jan. 1