What’s happening the week of Sept. 5-11

This Sunday’s speaker will be Columbus State University President Chris Markwood, who will present “Facts and Stories from Columbus State University.” We’ll also start our eight-week series, “Building Your Own Theology.”

What’s happening the week of Aug. 29–Sept. 4

This Sunday, Sept. 4, we’ll hold the Water Ceremony. This year we’ll emphasize the power in each drop of water has as it combines with other drops and still others to replenish the earth. Bring a small sample of water from a source that’s important to you or take a little from the water we will provide. Talk briefly or add your water to the whole as a silent offering.

What’s happening the week of Aug. 15-21

This Sunday’s speaker is the Rev. Diana Allende, a Unitarian Universalist minister from Auburn, AL. Her talk: “Given to Me to Do.” The service begins at 10:45 a.m. We support each other in our own free and responsible searches for truth and meaning.

Weekly Announcements 8/8 – 8/14

Wed. 8/10, 7:00pm-Discussion Group. Topic: “How to Prevent Young Muslim Radicalization”.
Thu. 8/11, 5:30pm- Women’s Group. Dinner at Ezell’s.
Fri. 8/12, 12:30pm- Media Lunch Group, Cafe Amici.
Sunday 8/14, 10:40am Program: Jim Humphries, retired clinical service chief at psychiatric hospitals. Title: “Spirituality: A Free and Responsible Search for Truth and Meaning”.
9:30 Adult Religious Education, “The Life of Buddha”.
10:30 Children’s Religious Education, “Success”.

What’s happening the week of Aug. 1-7

This Sunday (Aug. 7), Rick Spradlin, will talk about “The Challenge of Tolerance.” And the first Sunday of each month we also share a covered-dish lunch after the service. Visitors are always welcome.