A 10-minute introduction to Unitarian Universalism

Adult Religious Education Leader Rick Spradlin delivered a Unitarian Universalist Message during the Oct. 18 dedication of Grace Fellowship Hall. He clarified clearly, directly and memorably what many of us believe is the essence of UU. Click “Read more” to read his talk.

Our toast: “We celebrate life…”

Each Sunday, Unitarian Universalists in Columbus offer a short toast to life, to each other and to the future. It was written by fellowship member Ed Wilson (in the photo). Click “read more” to read it.

Announcements for Nov. 9-15 (Sunday: method acting and UU)

On Sunday, Nov. 15, speaker Nate Gross, a theater professor (at left) will talk about “Acting—The Method of the Madness: Tied Loosely to Some UU Principles.” The final two performances of the StageSouth production of Horton Foote’s “1918” will be Friday and Saturday. Click “read more” or the headline for details. Move your cursor over buttons at lower left for more topics.

Announcements for Oct. 19-25

On Sunday, Oct. 25, Dr. Larry Meisel will talk about “Reinstating the Draft.” Click on “More” to learn our singers, our discussion group and other programs this week.

Announcements for October 26-Nov. 1

Lots to do this week. Of special note, our Wednesday Night Discussion Group will include a wine-and-appetizers send-off for long-time member Don Nahley, who is moving. On Sunday, join us for psychologist Dave Walkers talk on “Faith and Empathy.” Click on the headline for this store or on “Read More” below for details. (Roll your cursor over the little buttons at lower left to read more stories.)

Announcements for the week of Nov. 2-8: “1918” opens

At Sunday’s service, social studies teacher Mark Erb will talk about social justice. Of special note this week, on Friday, Nov. 6, StageSouth, a new community theatre, will open the play “1918” in Grace Fellowship Hall. Click on “Read More” or the headline above for more information. Run your cursor over the little rectangles at lower left for more stories.

Announcements for Nov. 16-22: Uptown Drum Circle Sunday

This Sunday’s speaker/program will be a performance by at least one (and maybe more) member(s) of the Uptown Drum Circle. Bring a drum! Click the headline of this story or “Read More” below for details. Move cursor over the buttons at lower left for more stories.

Monthly Newsletter for October 2015

Welcome to this month’s announcements from Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Columbus. Here’s a rundown of events, programs and activities at UUFC this month. Click on “READ MORE” below to see the announcements: