Lisa Pyburn, at no small expenditure of her energy and resources, has been rehabbing the Pavilion and the banks of the Heiferhorn creek. It’s a beautiful space, and we’re already using it.
The UU Women’s Book Club has met here, masked up and socially distant. Several other small groups have met for lunch or morning coffee—the key words being “small groups,” “socially distant” and “wearing masks.” Bill and Ellen Harlan had pandemicly safe lunch with Lisa and a friend. Bill and Jorge Lopez met for coffee one Saturday morning to solve the world’s problems.
Lisa donated picnic tables. Kristen and Bill Hurst Elise Leonard and friend Lisa Pyburn
Other groups have done the same, and some have used the Meditation Garden or walked the trail around the property, which Hal Midgette and the Neale family have built and improved.
We’re using these outdoor spaces following best practices for staying safe. Procedures and policies are a work in progress, but don’t be shy. Email us to find out how you can take advantage of our great outdoors. And stay safe.