Fellowship member Amanda Jones is an adoptive parent with extensive experience in the field. The subtitle of her talk is “shining a light on adoption from foster care, through a trauma-focused lens.” Expect a unique, insider’s look at this process.
Services start at 11 a.m. but join us early for coffee and conversation. Our liberal, progressive, proudly nondenominational Fellowship welcomes visitors.
Services include a talk, sometimes by a member and often by a guest speaker. They also include music, meditation, readings and optional opportunities to share your thoughts.
Amanda Jones is the Fellowship’s chairperson for youth and children’s programs, for earth-centered spirituality and for special events. She’s also a frequent speaker. She has more than 30 years’ experience in service-based roles—with Big Brother and Big sisters and in churches as a youth director, a small-group leader and a worship team leader. Amanda also is a student of mindfulness and meditation, as taught by Thích Nhất Hahn and Plum Village.
Amanda and Amos Jones have nine children, ranging from age 10 to adult. They all personify our informal motto: deeds before creeds. We’ve got whole sets of principles, values and sources of inspiration. They boil down to this: treat people with kindness and take care of the planet we share.
If you’ve found other organized religions lacking, you might find a home here. (Fair warning: we’re not that organized.)
Topics: Adoption