Grace and gratitude are are embedded in the human experience. Fellowship member Amanda Jones will explore how these ideas “transcend boundaries and unite us in shared understanding and interconnectedness.”
Sunday services begin at 11 a.m., but join us early for coffee and conversation. Visitors and guests are always welcome at our progressive Fellowship.
Amanda Jones has more than 30 years’ experience in service-based roles—with churches as a youth director, a small-group leader and a worship team leader and with Big Brothers and Big Sisters. She has worked with several organizations to build programs to serve and support foster and adoptive children. Amanda also is a student of mindfulness and meditation as taught by Thích Nhất Hahn and Plum Village, with an emphases on compassion.
Amanda and Amos Jones have nine children ranging from 10 years old to adult.
- We encourage people to be vaccinated and boosted to protect against COVID.
- We encourage social distancing in Grace Fellowship Hall.
- Masks are stil optional, but we have a section for people who want to wear them.
- We’ve improved ventilation in Grace Fellowship Hall.
- We awatch local COVID statistics, and we’re prepared to change our procedures when warranted. Check this website for changes.