Fellowship member Bill Harlan explores music, literature and the Columbus writer who described Beethoven’s Eroica symphony as “…the worst hurt there could be.” Our own pianist Whittaker Locke will help Bill out with excerpts from the symphony.
Sunday services begin at 11 a.m. Guests and visitors are always welcome. Join us a little early for coffee, conversation and the possibility of snacks. Services include a talk, like Bill’s, some music, like Whittaker’s, a reading or two, maybe a little meditation and opportunities to share your own thoughts. It’s relaxed, informal, and we’re done by noon.
Bill Harlan is a semi-retired journalist, originally from South Dakota but now, after nearly nine years in Columbus, he’s almost ready to be promoted from “tourist” to “guy from Georgia.” He’s a past president of our Fellowship, coordinator of our Sunday talks and a member of the UUFC No Wrong Turns Bicycle Club.
Topics: Art, Literature, Performing Arts