Comedian Jerry Farber, our guest speaker, will walk from Columbus to Savannah this fall to raise money for the homeless and to increase awareness of homelessness here in Georgia.
We’re meeting in person for Sunday services at 11 a.m. at Grace Fellowship Hall. However, because of the increasein COVID-19 cases recently in Muscogee County, we are now requiring masks for all indoor events. (See below for our other safety measures.)
Our speaker, Jerry Farber recently moved from Atlanta to Columbus. He lives in a modest Uptown loft just off Broadway, and several of us, all members members of the UUFC No Wrong Turns Bicycle Club met Jerry while having coffee, sidewalk café-style, at the Iron Bank. (Coincidentally, some other members already knew Jerry, who has often performed in Columbus. One thing we all noticed was, Jerry shares many values with Unitarian Universalism.
Learn more about Jerry in this blog post from the Saporta Report or from his own website. The short version of Jerry’s story is, he’s still a working comedian at age 83. But he was growing weary of the pace of life in Atlanta. Friends her invited him to come on down. Jerry also was a long-time board member of a homeless shelter in Atlanta, and he’ll have tales to tell about his interest in that subject.

Our Pandemic Safety Measures
- Masks are required for everyone indoors.
- A new seating arrangement makes social distancing easer.
- Some activities, like singing together and sharing snacks, have been suspended.
- All our members and friends have been vaccinated.
For more information email us at [email protected].