Fellowship member Connie Ussery will explore the Unitarian Universalist hymn “Let It Be A Dance” as a template for “finding joy in good times and hard times.” (Dick McMichael, originally scheduled to be our speaker, will present “My Columbus” next month. Check this website for details.)

Connie Ussery is a retired teacher and librarian and a long-time member of our Fellowship. In fact, she just finished a term as our president. She’s also a singer, a writer, a world traveler, a member of the Columbus Academy of Lifelong Learning and a member of our UU No Wrong Turns Bicycle Club.
Sunday services begin at 11 a.m., but join us early for coffee and conversation. We’re mostly liberals and progressives, in the broadest sense of those terms. We welcome all people who share our principles and values.
Services include a talk, either by a Fellowship member, like Connie, or a guest speaker.Services also include music, meditation and optional opportunities to share your thoughts. And we’re done by noon.
If you come on Sunday, be prepared for something different. Unitarian Universalism is unusual. For example, we don’t share a creed. Our members are Christians, Jews, Buddhists, subscribers to earth-centered traditions and more. Members include humanists, agnostics, atheists, and people who resist labels. In short, we don’t agree with each other on everything.
What we do share are commitments to respect the dignity of all people, to care for the planet, and to support each other in our own free, responsible searches for truth and meaning. Our lodestar value is love.
Topics: joy