Fellowship President Connie Ussery poaches ideas from several online Unitarian Universalist sermons and from the UU Hysterical Society—a real website, we can take a joke—to compare our lay-led Fellowship to UU congregations around the country. “We take joy renewing our principles and values in Sunday services,” Connie says. “Sometimes we need to remember why we’re here together despite our different religious backgrounds and life experiences. Let’s have fun with this!”

Sunday services begin at 11 a.m., but join us early for coffee and conversation. Visitors are always welcome at our liberal, progressive Fellowship. And we’re done by noon.
Connie is a retired teacher and librarian. Now, in addition to being our President, she’s also a singer, a writer, a world traveler and a member of our UU No Wrong Turns Bicycle Club.
Services usually feature a speaker—either a member of the Fellowship or a guest. We often focus on the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism, but our interests are wide-ranging. Services also include music, readings, meditation and a chance to share your own thoughts.
Topics: Unitaririan Universalism