Our speaker, Fellowship member Danielle Neale, will talk about one of the darker Winter Solstice traditions.

Danielle Neale is a professor of bio anthropology at Columbus State University. She and her family moved to Pennsylvania this month, but she’s still active in our Fellowship. Join us live on Zoom on Sunday, Dec. 27, at 11 a.m.
Later Sunday, we’ll post a recorded version of the service on the UUFC YouTube channel.
Danielle is originally from Massachusetts, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in archaeology and history. She traveled the U.S. as an archaeologist until she returned to school to earn a master’s degree at the University of Southern Mississippi.
In addition to teaching and research, Professor Neale consults with police to help identify human remains, she’s writing a textbook and she lectures on various anthropological topics.
Unitarian Universalists (UUs) don’t share a creed. Rather, we support each other in our own free and responsible searches for truth and meaning. For us, dogma is less important than treating our fellow human beings with respect. And visitors are always welcome.