Guest speaker Debbie Anderson will talk about children’s art, diversity and TAP, a unique children’s art program sponsored by the Chattahoochee Valley Episcopal Ministries.

Sunday services start at 11 a.m., but join us early for coffee and conversation. Visitors and guests are always welcome. (And we’re done by noon!)
Debbie Anderson is a pillar of the Columbus arts community. She’ll retire this month as the music director for the Springer Opera House. She’s also a professional singer, a voice coach and a singer and cantorial soloist for both St. Thomas Episcopal Church and Temple Israel. And she’s a long-time statewide advocate for developmentally disabled children.
TAP is a five-day art program for kids ages 6 through 11. TAP in a nutshell: “Each year TAP develops a theme focused on cultural and religious diversity. Volunteers from Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, and Muslim communities co-plan and teach the curriculum.”
On the third Sunday of each month we give away the collection plate to a local nonprofit. On June 16 the recipient will be TAP, so join us on Sunday, June 9, to learn more about a program closely aligned with Unitarian Universalist values.