Dr. Larry Meisel, a Fellowship member, will talk about his adventures as a content creator.
Larry’s eclectic YouTube Channel, “TheXaminedLife,” welcomes discussions about issues and ideas “from the tremendously important to the trivial but interesting.” For example, topics include Israel-Hamas and Russia-Ukraine, but also a family cruise and a class reunion. And a lot in between.
Larry’s take on life has been forged by more than 50 years’s experience as a counselor. Half a century! He started at age 18 on a crisis help line. He went on to become a licensed family therapist and a trained substance abuse counselor. He also earned a doctorate in community-agency counseling at Auburn University. Larry has advocated for affordable counseling, and he taught and counseled students at Columbus State University for a decade. Now he’s in private practice—and he’s on YouTube!

Sunday services begin at 11 a.m., but come early for coffee and conversation. Visitors and guests are always welcome at our progressive Fellowship. Services also include music, readings and opportunities (always optional) to share your thoughts. And we’re done by noon.
Our Fellowship’s approach to spirituality is different from most churches. We emphasize “deeds before creeds.” However, while we don’t share a creed, we do have them. Our members include Christians, Jews, Buddhists, followers of earth-centered traditions and member of other religions. Members also include atheists, agnostics, humanists and people who don’t label themselves. If you’ve had doubts about other organized religions, you might find a home here. (Full disclosure: we’re not that organized.)
- We encourage people to be vaccinated and boosted to protect against COVID.
- We encourage social distancing in Grace Fellowship Hall.
- Masks are stil optional, but we have a section for people who want to wear them.
- We’ve improved ventilation in Grace Fellowship Hall.
- We awatch local COVID statistics, and we’re prepared to change our procedures when warranted. Check this website for changes.
Topics: Social Media