Dr. Mark L. Berger, a a history professor emeritus at Columbus State University, will explore how stories can enslave us or empower us and how we can “assert our own defining story.”

Dr. Berger its a native of New York City. He earned his doctorate at City University of New York. He is interested in understanding history through psychology and how stories – false and real – have shaped history. He is the author of the book The Revolution in the New York Party System, 1840-1860, and he has written numerous articles for historical journals. Mark has been a member of our Fellowship since 2000. He’s a regular contributor to our Wednesday Night Discussion Group and to our UU Friday Lunch Group, and he continues to follow closely how history is being made.
In addition to a featured speaker, our Sunday services include music, meditation and opportunities to renew and refresh our commitments to the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism. We also have other activities on Sunday mornings. Children’s Religious Education is on break until September, but childcare is available from 9:30 a.m. until noon every Sunday. Visitors are always welcome. Join us for coffee and refreshments before or after the service.
Here’s the Sunday schedule:
- 9:30 a.m. Adult Religious Education.
- 10:00 a.m. UU Singers practice.
- 10:30 a.m. Coffee, light refreshments and conversation before the service.
- 10:45 a.m. Sunday service.
Topics: The Power of Stories