The subtitle for this talk is “Using Science and Spirit for Holistic Wellness.” Guest speaker Jeffrey Oakman, a certified therapeutic sound facilitator, will share insights about his work.

Services begin at 11 a.m., but join us early for coffee and conversation. Visitors are always welcome at our liberal, progressive, nondenominational Fellowship. Here’s Unitarian Universalism in a nutshell: let’s take care of each other and the planet we share. Our Fellowship’s informal motto: deeds before creeds.
Our informal Sunday services include a talk—either by a member of the Fellowship or a guest speaker, like Jeffery. Services also include music, mediation, readings and opportunities, always optional, to share your thoughts.
Jeffery will explain “how humans have historically used sound and music for more than just entertainment, but to treat various physical ailments and to expand consciousness.” He’ll talk a little bit about the physics of that idea and about how sound healing works. He’ll also lead a brief demonstration. He’s also a longtime meditator and mindfulness practitioner, and he’ll talk about how his love for music blends with those practices.
Topics: Holistic Wellness, Sound Therapy