Joan Andras, a new member of our Fellowship, already has taught one mindfulness course here, and she’s planning another one. (See below.) This Sunday she’ll explore mindfulness as a daily or even hourly practice.
Joan is a sought-after teacher of mindfulness. She has studied Buddhist meditation, philosophy, and psychology since 1984, and she was ordained as a Buddhist nun in 2005. She also earned a doctorate in psychology in 1993, focusing on the psychology of meditation. Visitors are always welcome at UU, and this Sunday’s talk should be a great introduction to out Fellowship.
Joan also will soon begin offering Saturday classes in “Calm Abiding Meditation,” from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., beginning Oct. 28. For more information email us at [email protected], with “Calm Abiding Meditation” in the subject line.
Our regular Sunday services begin at 10:45 a.m. They include music, affirmations of Unitarian Universalist principles and opportunities to share your thoughts. The centerpiece of each service is a talk—sometimes by a member of the Fellowship, such as Joan’s talk this Sunday, and sometimes by a guest speaker.
Here’s a rundown of this Sunday’s activities:
- 9:30 a.m. Adult Religious Education. Maureen Humphries leads this week’s session on “Morality Without Religion.”.
- 10:00 a.m. UU Singers practice.
- 10:15 a.m. Coffee, light refreshments and conversation before the service.
- 10:45 a.m. Sunday service. Our guest speaker is Joan Andras (see above).
- 10:55 a.m. Children’s Religious Education. Kids join us for the first few minutes of the service, which includes a children’s story. Then they adjourn to a classroom for their own activities.
- Child care is available every Sunday from 9:30 a.m. until noon.