Jonathan Perkins, founder of Fountain City Slam, talks about how he introduces kids to the power of poetry—more precisely, “slam poetry”—which combines writing and performing in powerful ways.

Our Fellowship is not meeting in person yet, but we’ll broadcast this Sunday’s service live at 11 a.m. by Zoom videoconference. Join the service live anytime after 10:30 a.m., using this link. (See below for the details.) We’ll start the service promptly at 11 a.m. We’ll include Joys and Concerns (send them in advance to [email protected]) and a chance to ask questions after the service.
Jonathan Perkins is communications director of the National Civil War Naval Museum here in Columbus, but he’s also an actor and writer with a professional background in theater. That’s how he got involved in coaching young students in the art of slam poetry. His work here in Columbus has led to national recognition. He describes his talk this way:
I’ll shine a light on how the power of poetry, youth, and community have enriched my life as an artist, activist, and human being. Inspiration to do better and be better surrounds us all. Write it down. Speak it out. Let’s stretch our truths.
Sounds like a great UU topic.
More about Zoom:
Members and friends will receive the link to our Zoom service in an email, along with a Meeting ID number and a password. You probably won’t need those if you just click the link, but you will need them if you’re already logged into your Zoom account. They’re handy to have around, so if you didn’t save that email send Brenda Stevens a note at [email protected] and she’ll re-send that message.