Guest speaker Laura Ratcliff Walker shares how she “transformed from an apolitical life surfer to an activist who paddles her own canoe.”

Laura Walker is a political activist, but she’s also a champion for causes like human rights, care for the planet and especially voting rights—values aligned with Unitarian Universalism. Her nonpartisan talk is about how “just a little bit of donated time can give a whole lot of peace of mind.”
Laura is originally from Newport, Rhode Island, but she has lived in Columbus for 19 years, arriving in 2003 as an Army spouse. She has worked for the Area Agency on Aging and for the United Way of the Chattahoochee Valley. She pivoted to political work and volunteering in 2016. She’s been active with Indivisible Columbus, the Muscogee County Democrats, and the Democratic Party of Georgia, among other groups. She’s married with two children and two grandchildren, for whom she works toward a better world.
Sunday services are at 11 a.m. Grace Fellowship Hall is at 8827 Heiferhorn Way in north Columbus, on the banks of Heiferhorn Creek. Visitors are welcome.
Pandemic measures
- Masks are optional, HOWEVER…
- During Sunday services, we reserve a mask-only space for those who wish to wear them.
- Please respect social distancing.
- We urge everyone to be fully vaccinated and boosted—not just to protect themselves but to protect others.
- If you are not vaccinated, please wear a mask.
- Speakers, service leaders and members of the choir don’t wear masks but they are even more socially distant.
- Guests are welcome, but please follow our pandemic guidelines.
Topics: Fifth Principle, Social activism