Our talk this Sunday (Jan. 10) our talk is titled “New Year’s Resolutions and the Seven Principles.” Members and friends of our Fellowship will share short inspirational readings that are inspiring their New Year’s Resolutions for 2021.

Our Zoom services begin at 11 a.m., but please do sign in early to socialize. Here’s the link for this Sunday.* We won’t have a just one speaker for this service. Instead, we’re asking members and friends to share SHORT inspirational readings and BRIEF thoughts about how they relate to UU principles and their own intentions for 2021.
We’re emphasizing “SHORT” and “BRIEF” to make it easier to participate and to allow more people to share ideas. If you’ve got a reading that’s a only a sentence or two and you’ve got a couple of thoughts about the coming year, that’s perfect. We’ll call on participants during this Zoom service. After the service, we’ll have time for more thoughts about the coming year and for socializing on Zoom.
As always, we record our Zoom services, and we post them on our UUFC YouTube channel. If you don’t want to appear on YouTube, simply hit the “Stop Video” button on Zoom. We DO NOT record the post-service Zoom conversations.
To recap, here’s what we’re looking for:
- A short inspirational reading.
- How it relates to the Seven Principles.
- Your intention fore 2021.
We’ll call on you during our Zoom service next Sunday (Jan. 10). It’s not too late to sign up. The deadline is noon on Thursday, Jan. 7. Contact Bill Harlan by text at 605.390.0590 or email him at the UU address: [email protected], with “Bill Harlan” in the subject line.
*The Zoom link should be all you need. Here it is in full: https://zoom.us/j/93880912167?pwd=S0JKTytqb2RmWWJvVUdTZEF3SnFLZz09
If you’re having trouble signing in or you need the Meeting ID and passcode, email [email protected] with “Zoom help!” in the subject line. Or text Bill Harlan.