Guest Speaker Miguel Juarez, president of the Columbus Jazz Society, will talk about how jazz can “inspire personal and community growth by creating meaningful connections.” And music will be played. Sunday services begin at 11 a.m., but join us early for coffee and conversation. Visitors are always welcome at our liberal, progressive Fellowship.

Miguel Juarez also is a songwriter, a recording artist, a Pulse Artist for PRS Guitars, a GRAMMY-voting member of the Recording Academy, and, most important, a husband and father of five.
Our nondenominational services often feature guest speakers, like Miguel. Services also include music (especially this service), readings, and optional opportunities to share your own thoughts.
Unitarian Universalism is unusual in that our members don’t share a creed. Our Fellowship includes Christians, Jews, Buddhists and others—including humanists, agnostics, atheists and those who practice earth-centered traditions. What we do share are commitments to human rights, care for the planet and action in support of those commitments.
Our informal motto: deeds before creeds.