Unitarian Universalist chaplain, Lt. Col., George Tyger, who wrote, “Memorial Day is not to be celebrated. It is to be observed, scrutinized, and witnessed on behalf of the true witnesses of our human failure to love our neighbor as ourselves.”
Fellowship President Connie Ussery has explored that idea. She and a couple other members of our Fellowship recently spent a couple of hours “observing, scrutinizing and witnessing” the many war memorials next to the National Infantry Museum, adjacent to an entrance to Fort Moore. Connie will talk about her experience. Fellowship member John Nix will provide appropriate music for Memorial Day weekend.

Sunday services begin at 11 a.m., but please join us early for coffee and conversation. Visitors and guests are always welcome.
Services usually feature a speaker—either a member of the Fellowship or a guest. We focus on the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism, but our interests are wide-ranging. Services also include music, readings, and meditation. And we’re done by noon.
We are a non-denominational and inter-faith fellowship. We do have beliefs, as individuals. We do not share a single creed. Our members subscribe to a range of religious, philosophical and ethical traditions. And some of us resist labels. What ties us together are commitments to human rights and care for the planet. Our unofficial motto: “deeds before creeds.”
Topics: Memorial Day