John Mallory Land is a long-time member of our Fellowship. He has earned degrees in theater, he now he works at the River Center. Way back in 2015, with pre-pandemic prescience, he staged Horton Foote’s play “1918.” (It’s about the 1918 flu epidemic.)

This talk will be a lot funnier than “1918.” John will demonstrate how laughter can be good for the soul.
We meet in person at 11 a.m. on Sundays, with pandemic safety measures in place. (See below.) The themes of our services are usually centered on one or more of the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism, but our interests are eclectic. Speakers are often members of our Fellowship, like John. Sometimes we invite guest speakers.
Services usually include:
- A talk, about 15 to 20 minutes, , followed by a questions and comments.
- Readings related to the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism.
- Music. (We don’t sing together during the pandemic, but we know musicians.)
- Meditations. (Silent and short, according to individual practices.)
- Opportunities (always optional) to share what’s important in our lives.
Service are in spacious Grace Fellowship Hall on our small campus on the banks for the Heiferhorn Creek, at 8827 Heiferhorn Way in north Columbus. We welcome people of many faith traditions and ethical systems, as long as these systems recognize and respect the dignity of all people.
Our motto: deeds before creeds.
For more information, email us at [email protected] and put “Sunday service question” in the subject line.
Our Pandemic Safety Measures
- Masks are required for all our indoor events.
- Seating has been changed to make social distancing easier.
- Speakers and service leaders don’t wear masks at the podium, which is even more socially distant. they also get rapid tests for COVID before the service.
- All our members and friends have been vaccinated for COVID-19. We urge visitors to get vaccinated.
- We do have music, but we don’t sing together.
- Refreshments are not served before or after services.
- Guests are welcome, but please do follow alls our pandemic guidelines.
- Services are posted later on our UUFC YouTube Channel.