Our Unitarian Universalist Fellowship is focusing on ways to act with kindness and love in the coming year. Fellowship member Amanda Jones will present this Sunday’s program. Join us as we regard the New Year as an exciting challenge.
Sunday services begin at 11 a.m., but join us early for coffee and conversation.
We’re mostly liberals and progressives, but we welcome all people who share our principles and values. Services include a talk or a short program, led by a Fellowship member or a guest speaker. Services also include music, meditation and opportunities to share your thoughts.
Amanda Jones is a mother and a teacher. She leads our children’s programs and earth-centered spirituality programs. She’s our liaison for the Stellar Homeschoolers, and Amanda often leads Saturday morning meditation and Buddhist studies. And that’s the short version of what she does. (For example, she and Amos Jones also have nine children, ranging from middle schoolers to adults.) Her programs are dynamic, healing, and inspiring.
If you come, be prepared for something different. Unitarian Universalism is unusual. For example, we don’t share a creed. Our members are Christians, Jews, Buddhists, subscribers to earth-centered traditions and more. Members include humanists, agnostics, atheists, and people who resist labels..
What we do share are commitments to respect the dignity of all people, to care for the planet, and to support each other in our own free, responsible searches for truth and meaning. Our lodestar is love.
Topics: New Year's