Archives: Services

Rick Spradlin: The Humanist Persective on Morality

Rick Spradlin is a special education teacher by day and a long-time student of comparative religion by inclination. His talks are usually centered on one of the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism. And after the service, we’ll hold our annual business meeting, including the election of new board trustees and officers.

John Mallory Land on “Piercing the Veil: the Spirit World in Our Modern Age

John Mallory Land is a member of our Fellowship. He’s also an amateur historian, a theater professional and a student of Unitarian Universalism. He’ll explore aspects of spirituality in our age of unprecedented changes and challenges. In our tradition, after a Sunday talk we have a brief period for questions and comments. Visitors are welcome. … Continue reading John Mallory Land on “Piercing the Veil: the Spirit World in Our Modern Age

Bill Harlan explores the proposed Eighth Principle of Unitarian Universalism

Next year the Unitarian Universalist Association will decide whether to expand UU’s Seven Principle to an Eighth, which would be a call to work towards eliminating structural racism in ourselves and our institutions. UU congregations through the country are discussing it, and more than 150 of the 1,000 or so UU congregations and organizations already … Continue reading Bill Harlan explores the proposed Eighth Principle of Unitarian Universalism

John Kamisky: “Eleanor Roosevelt and the Sixth Principle of UU”

Unitarian Universalism’s Sixth Principle affirms “the goal of world community, with peace, liberty and justice for all.” Fellowship member John Kamiski will explore Eleanor Roosevelt’s lifelong dedication to those ideas. John is a long-time member of UUFC and a bit of a renaissance man. He’s an Air Force veteran, an a retired engineer and volunteer … Continue reading John Kamisky: “Eleanor Roosevelt and the Sixth Principle of UU”

Connie and Ron Ussery: “Pilgrimages to Sacred Places”

Fellowship members Connie and Ron Ussery recently returned from New Zealand, where they encountered a different approach to respecting and honoring indigenous people. They also learend something about sacred spaces. On the South Island, for example, the Usserys visited Castle Hill. The Dalai Lama called this area a “spiritual center of the universe.” Find out … Continue reading Connie and Ron Ussery: “Pilgrimages to Sacred Places”

Aaron Guest: “Ethics, Eugenics and Public Education”

Historian and educator Aaron Guest talks about confronting historical facts and teaching the truth about them. Visitors and guests are always welcome to our Sunday services. Sunday services begin at 11 a.m. at Grace Fellowship Hall. We’re at 8827 Heiferhorn Way, on the banks of Heiferhorn Creek. Join us before the service for conversation. Come … Continue reading Aaron Guest: “Ethics, Eugenics and Public Education”

The Meaning of Life: Various Perspectives

What does it all mean? Fellowship members Michelle Midgette and Joyce Hickson have created a presentation that includes readings from a range of people, presented by Fellowship members, and opportunities to share your own thoughts. The Fourth Principle of Unitarian Universalism is “a free and responsible search for truth and meaning.” We encourage each other … Continue reading The Meaning of Life: Various Perspectives