Archives: Services

Susan Stephenson: the historic roots of conflicts in Palestine and Ukraine

Fellowship member Susan Stephenson exploring the conflicts of in Palestine and Ukraine as result of their historic roots the historic roots of the conflict is costs of war, the possibilities for peace and what individuals can do. Sunday services begin at 11 a.m., but join us before the service for coffee and conversation. We’re at … Continue reading Susan Stephenson: the historic roots of conflicts in Palestine and Ukraine

Justin diFeliciantonio: “Breathing Gratitude”

The link between well-being and gratitude is well established. In “Breathing Gratitude,” speaker Justin diFeliciantonio will explore how to enhance that connection. Justin is a tennis and wellness coach and a regular practitioner of yoga. He’s also a longtime student of mindfulness and meditation, and he’s a friend of the Fellowship. What happens Sundays? Services … Continue reading Justin diFeliciantonio: “Breathing Gratitude”

Joanie Andras on artificial intelligence and Buddhism

Fellowship member Joanie Andras teaches meditation and Buddhist studies at our Fellowship. She’s also a long-time student of philosophy and psychology. Joanie earned a doctorate in psychology in 1993, and she was ordained as a Buddhist nun in 2005. She’ll talk about how Buddhist teachings are relevant to the escalating influences of artificial intelligence. Sunday … Continue reading Joanie Andras on artificial intelligence and Buddhism