We’re switching gears, and moving the Water Communion to Sunday, Sept. 6. This Sunday, Lay Leader Rick Spradlin will talk about putting the principles of UU into practice and how “it’s not always easy.”
During the pandemic, our pre-recorded Sunday services are available on our YouTube channel.
Rick Spradlin is a special education teacher who also is a long-time student of comparative religion, philosophy and ethics. As our lay leader, he helps keep us focused on the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism. Those principles have never been more important than in the fell year of 2020, but doing that can be a challenge.
Sunday services typically are centered on a talk—either by a member of our Fellowship, like Rick, or by a guest speaker. Services often include music. Accompanist Whittaker Locke plays this Sunday.
We often have readings by members of our Fellowship. If you’d like to contribute a favorite reading—short and related to the Seven Principles—send us an email. We’ll be in contact.