The full title of guest speaker Ed Helton’s talk is “Suggestions for Living in a World that Doesn’t Make Sense.” Sound useful? Join us Sunday morning for the rest of the story.

In addition to being an ordained minister, Ed is the director of the Leadership Institute at Columbus State University. The Institute’s mission includes leadership development, team building, executive coaching and strategic planning.
Our informal services also include a little music and opportunities for reflection and affirmations of the Seven Principles of UU. Visitors are always welcome.
Here’s what else happens on Sundays:
- 9:15 a.m. until noon: Free childcare available.
- 9:15 a.m. Adult Religious Education. We explore all the world’s great religious and ethical traditions.
- 10:00 a.m. UU Singers practice. (All voices welcome at practice. We also practice Wednesday’s at 6 p.m.)
- 10:15 a.m. Coffee and conversation before the service.
- 10:45 a.m. The Sunday service.
- 10:55 a.m. Children’s Religious Education. The kids join us for the first few minutes of the service, which includes a children’s story. Then they adjourn to a classroom for their own activities.