Our guest speaker, Rev. Marti Keller, will explore “the heroic feminist and womanist saints who have risked so much to bring life into the world, popularized in the PBS series Call the Midwife.”
The service begins at 11 a.m., but join us early for coffee and conversation. Visitors and guests are always welcome at our progressive Fellowship. Services included a talk, often by a guest speaker, and asome music, meditation and optional opportunities to share your thoughts.

Rev. Keller is a frequent speaker at our Fellowship. She’s been a parish, community and justice minister for 25 years, and she’s been an affiliated minister with the Unitarian Universalist Women’s Federation. In 2020, she was given the UU Ministry to Women Award. Before her ordination, she worked for Planned Parenthood and other groups advocating for justice and equity for women and girls, including reproductive justice.
Rev. Keller currently serves the Auburn Alabama UU Fellowship.
Unitarian Universalism is an unusual religion. For example, we don’t share a creed. Our members do have creeds. We include Christians, Jews, Buddhists, and subscribers to earth-centered traditions. Other members are humanists, agnostics, atheists, and people who resist labels. What we do share is a commitment to the Seven Principles of UU. They include respect for all people and for the planet and a promise to support each other in our free and responsible searches for truth and meaning.
If you’ve had doubts about other organized religions, you might find a home here. (Full disclosure: we’re not that organized.)
Our Covid policy:
- We recommend vaccinations and boosters.
- We encourage social distancing.
- We’ve improved ventilation in Grace Fellowship Hall.
- If you’d like to wear a mask, you are welcome here.
- If you’re sick, please stay home.
- We watch local health statistics.
Our COVID policies are subject to change. Watch this website.
Topics: Reproductive Rights, Women's Health