To celebrate Women’s History Month our guest speaker, Rev. Marti Keller, looks a look at the adventures of midlife-and-beyond women in American History—and the activist histories of elder women in our own midst. She says, “This at a time when being older and public facing is under attack.”
Sunday services begin at 11 a.m. at Grace Fellowship Hall, but join us early for coffee and conversation. We’re at 8827 Heiferhorn Way, on the banks of Heiferhorn Creek. We welcome visitors and guests.
Rev. Keller lives in Atlanta. She is self-described as being in her “elderdom,” and she is still active in working for equity and justice through Unitarian Universalist congregations.
She is formerly the affiliated minister with the Unitarian Universalist Women’s Federation. Prior to her ministry, she was a director of community and government relations for Planned Parenthood, executive director of two advocacy organizations for women and children, and public policy coordinator for the Georgia Rural-Urban Summit. In 2020, she received the UUWF Ministry to Women award.
Our Sunday services usually feature a speaker—either a member of the Fellowship or a guest, like Rev. Keller—who offer a presentation aligned with the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism.
Services also include music, readings, meditation and a chance to share your own thoughts. Join us a little early for conversation. We are truly non-denominational. Our unofficial motto: “deeds before creeds.” As individuals, we do have beliefs. Our members subscribe to a range of religious, philosophical and ethical traditions. We’re tied together by a commitment to respect for all people and the planet on which we live.
COVID policy
- Masks are optional, welcome. And we have a masks on hand. Protect yourself!
- We encourage social distancing.
- We’ve improved ventilation in Grace Fellowship Hall.
- We urge everyone to get vaccinated and boosted.
- If you’re not vaccinated, please do wear a mask.
- If your sick, please stay home.
- We follow local pandemic statistics, and this policy is subject to change. Check our website.