The subtitle of Rev. Marti Keller’s talk is “a spirituality of (late) summer.” She’ll explore why summer is a good time for risk-taking. Although many schools will have started by late August, she says, and UU congregations “have ingathered,” there’s more than a month of summer left. Why is this often a time to shake things up in our lives?

Sunday services start at 11 a.m., but join us early for coffee and conversation. Visitors are always welcome at our liberal, progressive Fellowship. We’re a bit different. Our members include Christians, Jews, Buddhists and people who identify with other religious, ethical and philosophical traditions. We also include atheists, agnostics and folks to shun labels.
Before her UU ministry, Marti Keller was a director of community and government relations for Planned Parenthood. She also was executive director of two advocacy organizations for women and children and public policy coordinator for the Georgia Rural-Urban Summit.
In other words, we don’t share a single creed. We do share commitments to human rights and care for the planet. Services include a talk, music and optional opportunities to share your thoughts. And we’re done by noon.
Rev. Keller, who lives in Atlanta, is a frequent guest speaker at our Fellowship. She describes herself as being in her “elderdom,” but she is still working for equity and justice through Unitarian Universalist congregations. She was formerly the affiliated minister with the Unitarian Universalist Women’s Federation, and she received the UUWF Ministry to Women award.
Topics: Change and Risk