Rev. Marti Keller: “What’s in a Name?”

In William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet,” Juliet asks, “What’s in a name?” Many of us thought the playwright meant…well, we’re not sure. Maybe not much. Guest speaker Rev. Marti Keller will lead an exploration of naming and names that will argue otherwise. Come prepared to share and research or own name. Or names!

Sunday services begin at 11 a.m., but join us early for coffee and conversation. We welcome visitors and guests.

Rev. Marti Keller

Rev. Keller, who lives in Atlanta, describes herself as being in her “elderdom.” But she is still active, working for equity and justice through Unitarian Universalist congregations. She was formerly the affiliated minister with the Unitarian Universalist Women’s Federation. In 2020, Rev. Keller received the UUWF Ministry to Women award.

Prior to her UU ministry, Marti Keller was a director of community and government relations for Planned Parenthood. She also was executive director of two advocacy organizations for women and children and public policy coordinator for the Georgia Rural-Urban Summit. 

Our Sunday services usually feature a speaker—either a member of the Fellowship or a guest. Presentations are often aligned with one or all of the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism, but our interests are wide ranging. We’re open to finding inspiration in unexpected places. Services also include music, readings, meditation and chances, always optional, to share your own thoughts. And we’re done by noon.

We are decidedly non-denominational. In fact, our members don’t even share a single creed. As individuals, we do have beliefs. We subscribe to a range of religious, philosophical and ethical traditions. What ties our Fellowship together are commitments to respect the dignity of all people and to care for the planet we share.

Our unofficial motto: “deeds before creeds.”
