The full title of Rev. Norm Horofker’s talk is: “The U.U. Gospel—Five Things You Never Expected to Hear From a Minister!”

Rev. Horofker is a Unitarian Universalist minister in Halifax, Nova Scotia. “If you are searching for meaning in your life, I have a message that may surprise you… in a good way,” he says. He’ll speak during during a very special Sunday service on June 18.
Rev. Horofker and his wife Janet lived in Columbus for 17 years, and they were both admired and loved members of our Fellowship. This will be a homecoming for them, so we’ll have a reception before the service, beginning at 10 a.m., and a potluck lunch after the service. (Details below.)
Rev. Horofker was a mechanical engineer and plant manager for GNB/Exide in Columbus. During that time, the Horofkers both served as president of the Fellowship. Janet also was treasurer, and she volunteered in children’s religious education and in our music program. The Horofkers are Canadians, but the whole family, including their daughters, Marta and Kayla, also are U.S. citizens.
While in Columbus, Norm decided on a dramatic career change—from mechanical engineer to Unitarian Universalist minister. He earned a degree from the Candler School of Theology at Emory University in at Atlanta. Then he became the first (and so far only) UU minister ordained in Columbus. Rev. Horofker’s ordination remains a highlight of the history of our Fellowship.
Afterward, they returned to their native Canada. Rev. Horofker has been minister of the Universalist Unitarian* Church of Halifax since 2012.
We invite friends and visitors alike to attend the reception, service and potluck. If you plan to eat lunch with us, please bring a dish to share and email an RSVP to [email protected], with “Horofker lunch” in the subject line.
Here’s our complete Sunday schedule for June 18:
(Adult Religious Education is suspended this week for the reception for the Horofkers. See below. Children’s Religious Education is on hiatus for the summer. Childcare is still available from 9:30 a.m. until noon.)
- 9:30 a.m. UU Singers Practice
- 10:00 a.m. Cake, coffee and conversation reception for Norm and Janet Horofker.
- 10:45 a.m. Sunday Program: Rev. Norm Horofker presents: “The U.U. Gospel—Five Things You Never Expected to Hear From a Minister!”
- Noon: A potluck lunch honoring Norm and Janet Horofker. Please RSVP by email with “Horofker lunch” in the subject line.