Rev. Wayne Veal, our guest speaker, was an Assembly of God pastor for 38 years. A careful reading of a particular passage in the Bible led Rev. Veal to a realization that a loving good “has no intention of burning anyone in a literal hell.”

Rev. Veal was a hands-on pastor who built two new church buildings—one in Savanah, GA, and one in St. Mary’s GA. He also served three years as pastor of a small Southern Baptist congregation.
Join us to hear more about his spiritual journey. The service begins at 11 a.m., but come early for coffee and conversation.
Visitors are always welcome at our liberal, progressive, nondenominational Fellowship. Our services are lay-led and informal. They are centered on a talk—either by a Fellowship member or a guest speaker. We’ll also have a little music, mediation, readings and opportunities, always optional, to share your thoughts. And we’re done by noon.
Here’s Unitarian Universalism in a nutshell: let’s take care of each other and the planet we share. Our Fellowship’s informal motto: deeds before creeds.
Topics: Hell