The word “de-escalation” is much in the news today, mostly about encounters with police, but it’s a technique all of us could use. Lay Leader Rick Spradlin talks about it in a Unitarian Universalist context on Sunday, May 2, at a new time—10 a.m.— from our Meditation Garden. (Weather permitting.)

They key word is “outdoor.” We’re taking a step-by-step approach to meeting together again as the pandemic abates. On Sunday we expect 30 people or more, so we’ll still wear asks and practice social distancing. We’ll also offer the service live on a Zoom videoconference for those not ready for in-person gatherings.
In person or on Zoom, guests are always welcome. We’re a home for liberal religion in the Chattahoochee Valley. Our Fellowship emphasizes the dignity and worth of all people. Find out more at or at Check out our YouTube Channel to see what services are like at our Meditation Garden. (Photos below. You’ll notice we’re very socially distant!)
If you do join us on Heiferhorn Way, be prepared. Masks, of course, but a hat will come in handy, too.. Better yet, bring an umbrella. Best of all, bring both. The Georgia sun does beat down, even on cool spring mornings.
In the event of bad weather, we’ll skip the in-person service and hold our regular Zoom service, also at 10 a.m. either way, join us a little early for conversation (and to make sure the Zoom technology works.) Members and friends will get an email late Saturday afternoon with a weather call. If you’re not on our mailing list, email us at [email protected] and put “Sunday service question” in the subject line.